A quality of life tool kit in chronic venous disorders
Phlebolymphology. 2014;21(3):152-160 – read full article
REES France, 48, rue d’Assas,
75006, Paris, France
Individual preferences are now at the center of the medical decision-making process. Different experimental methods are used to determine preferences. Psychometricians use direct observation of a subject’s reaction in a particular pathological situation: patients are asked to arrange the intensity of the impacts on numerical ordinal scales, but an actual metrical measure is not yet available. Traditionally, economists believe that in a market, only the consumer’s choices enable us to estimate his or her level of satisfaction. In the health care field, where market mechanisms are not fully operational, they tend to extract patient preferences through forced choices between hypothetical health states. A real metrical measure is thus obtained. The objective of this article is to exhibit these 2 methods, psychometric and economic, and show how they have been implemented in medical research.